Lenora W. Pate

Business, Mediation
2311 Highland Avenue South, P.O. Box 55727
Birmingham, Alabama 35205



1985, Alabama

Law School

Cumberland School of Law, J.D., summa cum laude, 1985

Law School Graduation Year



University of Alabama at Birmingham, B.A., 1970; University of Alabama at Birmingham, M.A., 1973


Birmingham and American Bar Associations.


Articles Editor, Cumberland Law Review, 1984-1985. Member, Governor Riley's Transition Team. Vice-Chair, Alabama Citizens' Constitution Commission. Former Director, State of Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, 1993-1995; Governor's Liaison, Health Care Reform Task Forces; Alabama's Designee, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA-TAA). Alabama Representative, U.S. Department of Labor, Southeastern Regional Conference for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. Past Member: State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee; Alabama Commission on Elder Abuse; Alabama Long-Term Care Policy Development Council. Gubernatorial Appointee and Past Chair, Alabama Women's Commission. Alabama Bar Appointee, Third Citizens Conference on the Alabama State Courts. Jefferson County Commission Appointee, Jefferson-Blount-St. Clair Mental Health/Mental Retardation Authority and Advisory Board of Cooper Green Hospital. Trustee, Judson College. Member: Board of Overseers, Samford University; Board of Directors, Women's Exchange; The Women's Fund of Birmingham; Alabama Women's Leadership Database; Metropolitan Arts Council. 1997 Pace Setter, Stennis Center Southern Women in Public Service. Leadership Alabama Class IV.
