Lester M. Bridgeman

Education, Mediation
Suite 200, 1925 K Street, N.W.
Washington, District of Columbia 20006



1952, District of Columbia; 1958, U.S. Supreme Court; 1987, Alabama

Law School

Columbia University, LL.B., 1951

Law School Graduation Year



Syracuse University, A.B., cum laude, 1948


The District of Columbia Bar; Alabama State Bar; American Bar Association.


Air Carrier Editor, 1970-1986 and Antitrust Editor, 1986—, Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy. Author: The Relief From the Operation of the Antitrust Laws Provided by Section 5a of the Interstate Commerce Act, 29 I.C.C. Pract. Journal 3, 1961; Antitrust Impact on Motor Carriers of the Proposed 'Kennedy Bill' Repeal of the Reed-Bulwinkle Act, 19 Transportation Journal 19, 1979; Do the Antitrust Laws Provide a Feasible Alternative to Regulation, 47 ICC Practitioners Journal 6, 1980. Attorney, Office of General Counsel, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1951-1953. Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellow, The Law School, University of Chicago, 1953-1954. Member, D.C. Circuit Judicial Conference Committee on Proposed Rules of Evidence for U.S. District Courts, 1969-1970. Special Deputy Attorney General, State of Alabama, 1995—.
