1984, New Jersey and U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey; 1985, New York; 1993, Montana; 1995, U.S. District Court, District of Montana.
Law School
New York Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 1984
Law School Graduation Year
University of Virginia, B.C.E, 1981
State Bar of Montana; New York State and New Jersey State Bar Associations; American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author: Fifty State Construction Lien and Bond Law, Montana Chapter, Aspen Publishers, 2000; State-by-State Guide to Architect, Engineer and Contractor Licensing, Montana Chapter, Aspen Publishers, 1998. Co-author: New York Construction Law, Sheppards McGraw-Hill, 1992; The Lawyers Role in Improving Contracting Practices in Underground Construction, 1983 RETC Proceedings; The Resident Engineer's Position Regarding Claims, ASCE Speciality Conference Proceedings, 1985; The Hyatt Decision One View, The Construction Lawyer, ABA, 1986; Alternative Dispute Resolution Forms, Construction Industry Forms, 1988; Fixing the Failure and Settling the Dispute, Construction Failures, 1989; Alternative Methods to Resolve Construction Disputes, Consulting/Specifying Engineer, 1989.