1969, Florida; 1975, U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit; 1981, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
Law School
Florida State University, J.D., 1969
Law School Graduation Year
Florida State University, B.A., 1964
Jacksonville (Chairman, Family Law Section, 1982-1985; Co-chairperson for CLE, 1993) and American Bar Associations; The Florida Bar (Member, Executive Council, Family Law Section, 1982-1985; 1987-1990); American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Author: Articles in The Florida Bar Journal: Marital Agreements and Final Judgments of Dissolution of Marriage, February, 1982: Dissolution of Marriage and the Elderly, Volume 55, March, 1984; and July/August, 1989, Rights of Unmarried Parents, Florida Family Law, published by Mathew Bender; Treatise on Family Law, published by Mathew Bender: Chapter on Venue. Lecturer: Bridge the Gap seminars sponsored by the Young Lawyers Section of the Florida Bar (three Years); Civil Custody Litigation: Dealing with the Allegation of Child Abuse in the Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Family Litigation seminar, sponsored by CLE, Florida Bar, Family Law Section, 1989: Military and Government Pensions' in the Equitable Distribution One Year Later seminar, sponsored by CLE, Florida Bar, Family Law Section, 1990; Valuing & Dividing Pension and Retirement Plans; Premarital Agreements; and The Use of Mediation for the Family Law in Florida seminar, sponsored by Legal Education Institute, Inc., 1991; Shared Parental Responsibility; Equitable Distribution; Family Finances; Attorney's Economic Interests; Conduct/Ethics; etc. in the Family Mediation Training Program, sponsored by Nova University, Mediation Institute, 1991; Litigating the Enforceability of Premarital Agreements in the Family Law Litigation in Florida, Winning for Your Client, sponsored by the National Business Institute, Inc., 1991; Children in Divorce- Custody & Visitation in the Children, Families, Divorce and the Law in Florida, sponsored by National Education Network, 1991; Children and Families in Divorce in the Breaking Up is Hard to Do seminar, sponsored by the National Education Network, 1992. Child Custody Section Conductor, Nuts and Bolts of Divorce in Florida, sponsored by Lorman Education Services, April 2002. Speaker at Jacksonville Bar Association Family Law Seminar, Florida Law Update. Certified Mediator in Marital and Family Law, 1989. Florida Academy of Certified Mediators, Inc., 1989-1991. Florida Association of Professio
1st Lt., Intelligence Branch, U.S. Army, 1964-1966