Law School
Hamline University, J.D., 1994; Georgetown University, LL.M., 1995
Law School Graduation Year
Metropolitan State College, B.A., 1991; St. Thomas University, M.B.A., 1994
Montgomery County (Member, Family Law Section), Maryland State (Member, Sections on: Family Law; Criminal Law) and American Bar Associations; Maryland Bankruptcy Bar.
Phi Alpha Delta. Member, Civil Rights Moot Court Team. Recipient: American Jurisprudence Award for Research and Writing; Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation Award for the Extraordinary Commitment to the Delivery of Legal Services, 1999 and 2001. Judicial Clerk Intern to Hon. R. A. Randall, Minnesota Court Appeals. Author: Eroding the Resource Conservation Recovery Act's Scienter Requirement Regarding Responsible Corporate Officers, 14 Hamline J. Pub. L. Pol'y 49, 1993.