1975, Ohio; 1979, District of Columbia
Law School
Boston University, J.D., 1975
Law School Graduation Year
Yale University, B.A., 1972
Cleveland (Chairman, Securities Law Section, 1988-1989), Ohio State and American (Co-Chairman, ABA Task Force to Revise Rule 147, 1990—; Member, Task Force on SEC Small Business Initiative Proposal) Bar Associations.
Author: Meet the Invendor, Venture Capital & Startups,, February 2001; The Definitive Deal Dictionary,, 1999; Balancing the Deal - Private Placements - What They Can Mean to Your Client, Business Law Today, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Nov./Dec., 1995); Private Placement Guidelines--A Lawyer's Letter to a First-Time Issuer, Bus. Law.; Philosophy of Acquisitions, Corporate Counsel's Quarterly; Lecturer: SEC Forum on Small Business Capital Formation, 1984—; and Member of Forum's Executive Committee, 1994—. Member: Board of Directors, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum; Dean's Technology Council, Case Western Reserve University Medical School.