1978, Utah and U.S. District Court, District of Utah
Law School
University of Utah, J.D., 1978
Law School Graduation Year
University of Utah, B.S., 1974; University of Utah, M.B.A., 1975
Utah State Bar (Member, Sections on: Taxation).
Beta Gamma Sigma. Assistant Attorney General State of Utah, 1978-1983. Chairman, Utah State Tax Commission, 1983-1986. Member, Board of Directors, Utah Taxpayers Association, 1990—. Chairman of the Board, Utah Taxpayers Association, 1992. Member, Board of Directors of Utah Mining Association, 2003—. Member: Executive Committee and Treasurer, Multistate Tax Commission, 1984-1986; Governor's Blue Ribbon Tax Recodification Commission 1984-1996. Member, Utah Tax Review Commission 1984—; Utah Taxpayers Association, 1989—. Member, Board of Trustees, University of Utah Law School, 1993-1995; Managing Partner Salt Lake City Office, 1988-1995. Member, 1995-2001, and Chair, 2000-2001, Firm Executive Committee Member. Firm Executive Committee Member 1995-2001; Chair, 2000-2001