1985, Hawaii; 1986, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Law School
Georgetown University, J.D., 1985
Law School Graduation Year
Bucknell University, B.S., 1980
Hawaii Society of Certified Public Accountants; American Judicature Society; Kaimuki Business and Professional Association.
Certified Public Accountant, Maryland, 1981. Hawaii State Senator, 1992—; Majority Policy Leader, Hawaii State Senate, 1994. Co-Chairman, Senate Committee on Judiciary, Hawaii State Senate. President, United Japanese Society of Hawaii, 1991-1992. President, Moiliili Community Center, 1991-1992; President, National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii, 1991-1992. Board of Trustees, Japan-America Society of Hawaii, 1991-1992; Chairman, Planning Committee, Citizens Conference on Judicial Selection, 1989. Facilitator, Hawaii Judicial Foresight Congress, 1991.