Maureen Dougherty Esq.

Founder Dougherty Mediation Group

Dougherty Mediation Group is a leading provider of alternative dispute resolution and mediation on Long Island, New York
Long Beach, New York 11561


Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Collaborative Divorce, Divorce, Domestic Relations, Estate Planning and Administration, Family, Inheritance Disputes, LGBT, PreNuptials, Probate, Separation Agreements, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Workplace

Maureen is the founder of Dougherty Mediation Group and a partner at Comerford & Dougherty, LLP in Garden City, NY. She is a member of the New York State and Nassau County Bar Associations, where she serves on the Matrimonial Law Committee, the Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee, and the Surrogate’s Court Estates and Trusts Committee. Maureen is a Member of the Nassau County Supreme Court Panel of Matrimonial Mediators and the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals.

In her twenty-seven years of experience as a litigation attorney, Maureen Dougherty has witnessed how prolonged litigation can be devastating to families, waste vast savings, and disenchant even the “winning” litigants with an overburdened court process.

In 2009, Maureen began incorporating mediation and the collaborative process in her law practice. She went on to establish Dougherty Mediation Group in 2011 as a constructive alternative to litigation. She passionately believes that mediation is a far more equitable and productive process for dispute resolution.

Visit our website today to learn more about Maureen and DMG's solutions:


No matter the nature of your dispute or how long it’s been going on, Dougherty Mediation Group can help provide satisfying resolutions. The professionals of the Dougherty Mediation Group practice mediation in the purest sense, and all have extensive experience and expertise in family, estate, and corporate law. This provides every session with an added perspective, while maintaining the integrity of the mediation process.

While the team members at Dougherty Mediation Group come from diverse backgrounds and bring to the table their own unique strengths, all are united in their appreciation of mediation as a form of conflict resolution that ultimately best serves the interests of their clients.

Visit our website today for more information:

Dougherty Mediation Group
1122 Franklin Avenue, Suite 406
Garden City, New York 11530

Office:  516-248-2424
Fax:     516-248-1302
Email:      [email protected]  
Web Site:

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