1977, Connecticut, Florida, U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut, U.S. Tax Court and U.S. Claims Court
Law School
University of Miami, J.D., cum laude, 1977
Law School Graduation Year
University of Pennsylvania, B.A., 1970; Columbia University, M.B.A., 1972
Bridgeport, The Connecticut (Member, Executive Committee, 1980—and Editor, Tax Letter, 1982-1993, Taxation Section; Member, Estates and Probate Section; Member and Chairman, Liaison with Accountants Committee, 1985-1987) and American (Member, Sections on: Taxation; Real Property, Probate and Trust Law) Bar Associations; The Florida Bar
Author: Arithmetic Formula Helps Determine Qualifications For Section 303 Benefits, 6 Estate Planning 205, 1981; IRS Unwillingness to Follow Davis on Condemnations Deters Rehabs, 55 Journal of Taxation 50, 1981; When to Avoid or Cut Back on Use of Unlimited Marital Deduction, 10 Taxation for Lawyers 132, 1981; Until Death or Divorce Do Us Part: Estate Planning for Clients Who Wish To Insulate Their Assets From Their Spouses, 58 Connecticut Bar Journal 267, 1984; Estate Planning Ramifications of Public Act 86-397: Section 2056 (b)(5) Revisited, 2 Connecticut Probate Law Journal 197, 1987. Co-Author: Are Grats Still Great, 70 Connecticut Bar Journal 206, 1996. Certified Public Accountant, Connecticut, 1974. Adjunct Professor of Law, Quinnipiac College School of Law, 1985-1996. Member, Advisory Board, Quinnipiac College School of Law, 1995—. Fellow, The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.