Michael J. Dunne

Intellectual Property, Mediation
Park Avenue at Morris County, P.O. Box 1945
Morristown, New Jersey 079621945

Intellectual Property


1984, New Jersey

Law School

Seton Hall University, J.D., 1984

Law School Graduation Year



College of the Holy Cross, A.B., 1975


New Jersey State (Chair, Computer-Related Law Committee, 1995-1997) and American (Chair, Business Law Section, Committee on Technology and Intellectual Property, 1995-1996; Vice-Chair, Business Law Section, Cyberspace Law Committee, 1996-2002) Bar Associations; HIMSS.


Law Clerk, Hon. Herman D. Michels, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, 1984-1985. Editor, InfoTechnology Law Update, 1995—. Author: Jurisdiction Over the Internet, The Business Lawyer, Vol. 54, No. 2, Nov. 1998; Due Diligence: Essentional Tips for Acquirers of Technology Assets, The Practical Lawyer, Vol. 45, July 5, 1999; Enforceability of Shrink-Wrap Licenses, The New Jersey Lawyer, No. 179, September 1996.
