Michelle Rice Grenier

Child Custody, Mediation
225 Franklin Street, 26th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110

Child Custody


1999, Massachusetts

Law School

New England School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1999

Law School Graduation Year



Massachusetts College of Art; La Scola De Lingua e Culturale per Stranieri, Siena, Italy; Northeaste


Boston, Massachusetts and American Bar Associations; American International Law Society; International Business Lawyers Connection (Founder/President, 2000—).


Member: NESL Business Law Center, 1998-1999; International Law Society. Recipient: Excellence for the Future Award in Securities Regulations, 1998; International War Crimes Project 1998; Women Achievers Award. Author: Establishing a Joint Venture with the P.R.C., A Guide for American Businesses, New England Int'l and Comp. Law Journal, 1999; How to Start a Virtual Law Practice, N.E. Int'l. and Comp. Law Journal, 2002; Proposed Sentencing Guidelines for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, submitted by request to the Prosecutor's Office of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Speaker: Federal Tort Claims Act, What Every Business Needs to Know, Annual Meeting, World Trade Association; How to Start a Virtual Law Office, International Law Seminar, NESL. Supervising Attorney, International Law Clinic, New England School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 2000—. Legal Counsel/Director, Women in World Trade. Director, Better Business Bureau, Boston.
