1976, Maryland; 1977, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth and Tenth Circuits and Federal District Court of Maryland; 1980, U.S. Supreme Court; 1982, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit; 1994, Washington
Law School
University of Maryland, J.D., with honors, 1976
Law School Graduation Year
Simmons College, B.A., with honors, 1972
Seattle-King County, Washington State and Maryland State Bar Associations.
Author: Setting the Child Support, Seattle-King County Bar Association Journal; AFDC & Child Support; Failure to Interface the System/Failure to Serve Our Children, Amer. Bar Assoc. National Policy Director, Aid to Families w/Dependent Children, 1982-1987. Regional Administrator, Family Support Administration, 1987-1991. Assistant Regional Administrator, Children and Families, 1991-1994. Member: Washington Womens Lawyers, 1994-1995; American Public Welfare Attorneys, 1976-1995; Seattle Cardoza Society, 1994-1995; Northwest Women's Law Center, 1994-1995.