Natashia Sinckler

The Law Office of Natashia Sinckler,P.A.

Jupiter, Florida 33408


Alimony, Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Divorce, Divorce Modification and Enforcement, Family, Marital Property, Paternity, PreNuptials, Same Sex Disputes

 Ms. Natashia A. Sinckler, P.A. started this practice with the vision of legal services in the Palm Beaches for the common man. She strives to provide excellent service for a reasonable rate.


She does not believe in unnecessary litigation and streamlines all cases she works on. Her clients receive personalized attention and she makes herself available to them at all times, weekends and evenings included.


She is a graduate, cum laude of Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center. She graduated from New York University (NYU) in May, 2006. She was recently admitted to the National Association of Professional Women for 2011. She is a member of the American Bar Association and the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar.

Come to the Law Office of Natashia A. Sinckler, P.A. Family Law Attorney in West Palm Beach where we are committed to helping your resolve your family law issues without engaging in unnecessary litigation. Here, we will help you find a way to move past the hurt and despair, and look for long term solutions that will allow both you and your spouse to go your separate ways. Here, we will encourage a collaborative approach to family law, encouraging you engage in Mediation and other methods of reaching an agreement between the parties before going forward with a trial. 


Come in to our Lake Worth office for a Free Consultation, where you will receive detailed information as to exactly how we can help in your case. We are a first class Family Law Firm serving the West Palm Beach area. We fight for what's right and we fight for you!


Areas of expertise:

  • Divorce Law
  • Paternity Actions
  • Modifications (Child Support/Time Sharing)
  • Pre/Post Nuptial Agreements
  • Domestic Violence Hearings

Phone: (561) 429-6571

Fax: (561)  629-7795


The Law Office of

Natashia  A. Sinckler, P.A.

6801 Lake Worth Rd. Suite #112 Greenacres, FL 33467