Neill Edwards

Child Custody, Mediation
2530 Meridian Parkway, Suite 400 (Durham), 27713
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Child Custody


1993, Georgia; 1999, North Carolina

Law School

University of Virginia, J.D., 1993

Law School Graduation Year



University of Virginia, B.A., with distinction, 1990


State Bar of Georgia; North Carolina State Bar.


Phi Beta Kappa; Wagenheim Scholar; Echols Scholar; Golden Key. Listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Author: Building to Suit: Economic Development Makes for a Better Future, Southeast Real Estate Business, September, 2002; Starting and Operating A Business in Georgia, PSI Research/Oasis Press, 1995; Yucca Mountain, Or: How We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Department of Energy's High-Level Waste Disposal Guidelines, 12 Va. Envtl. L.J., 271, Winter 1993; The Georgia Guide to Financing & Incentives, Georgia Center for Site Selection, 1996.
