Noel L. Miner

Linke Mediation, Inc.

Stuart, Florida 34994


Child Custody, Divorce, Elder, Employment, Family, Foreclosure, Probate, Real Estate, Same Sex Disputes, Workplace

  Ms. Miner established Linke Mediation, and is certified by the Florida Supreme Court as a Family, County and Circuit Civil Mediator.


 She holds a Master of Science degree in Dispute Resolution and has been mediating and facilitating since 1995.


 Ms. Miner has over twenty years of experience as a legal professional and has been involved with mediation since 1991  


  * Florida Supreme Court Circuit, County & Family Certified  Mediator.              

  * United States Department of  Justice, Key Bridge Foundation, American Disabilities Act, Mediator.              

  * United States Postal Service, Mediator.              

  * United States E.E.O.C., Mediator.             

  * Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisor.              

  * Federal Deposit Insurance  Corp., (FDIC) Workplace Disputes    Program, Mediator.              

  * Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediator. Adjunct Professor, Palm Beach State College, Dispute Resolution.             

  * The Florida Bar Grievance Mediation Program, Mediator.              

  * State of Florida, Department of Insurance, Mediator.             

  * State of Florida, Department of Business & Professional  Regulation,    Division of Land Sales, Condominiums & Mobile Home, Mediator.

  * Florida Dispute Resolution Center, Mediator   Qualifications Board,Investigator.

  * Florida Dispute Resolution Center, Approved Assistant Trainer,Circuit Civil &  Family.              

  * Florida Academy of Professional Mediators, Inc., Member.              

  * Association for Conflict Resolution, Member.              

  * Community Conflict Resource Center, Nova Southeastern University, Mediator.             

  * Licensed Private Investigator, Florida, since 1986.              

  * Disability Advocates of America, LLC., Advocate.


2009  Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award Nova Southeastern University Graduate   School of Humanities and  Social Sciences, Dispute Resolution.

2010 FEMA, Office of Chief Counsel, Award of Appreciation  for work in the ADR Cadre.

Linke Mediation, Inc., provides affordable professional and experienced dispute resolution services,  including mediation, to parties desiring to reach a voluntary and mutually  acceptable settlement agreement.


The Parties have more  control over the process, cost and outcome, saving time, money and stress.


 * Divorce, Family                    

 * Insurance                    

 * Elder care, Estate Planning                    

 * Real Estate, Foreclosures


 * Employment, Labor-Management                    

 * Business, Contracts, Partnerships                    

 * Same Sex Dissolutions                    

 * Work Place, EEO



Professional Services

 * Mediation                    

 * Dispute Resolution Training                    

 * Conflict Coaching                    

 * Mediation Consultant

 * Facilitation                    

 * Communication Skills Trainer                    

 * Systems Designer                    

 * Collaborative Practitioner


Divorce Mediation services are provided for couples divorcing with or without attorneys. The  mediator narrows issues and facilitates communication for brainstorming and  option building on all issues necessary in a divorce, such as child sharing,  child support, division of assets, debts and alimony. The mediator helps the  couple reduce the agreement reached in mediation to a Marital Settlement  Agreement, and helps them fill out the Florida Supreme Court Forms. Prior to  the final signing, it is recommended that the parties consult separately with  an attorney and accountant. Mediator Fee: $200.00  per hour. For  Divorce Mediation please contact Linke Mediation, Inc., for our flat rate for  preparation of the Mediated Marital Settlement Agreement and Florida Supreme  Court documents.


Divorce mediation stands out as one of the fastest growing  areas for the use of mediation. Couples have the opportunity to create their  own agreement. Sensitive issues such as, parental sharing, child support,  division of assets, debts, and alimony, can be solved by the parties who are  ultimately affected by the decisions reached. Couples are also finding the  benefits of mediating divorces because of the financial savings, faster  resolution and avoidance of the sever emotional stress associated with a “court  battle.” More and more couples are going to mediators before going to attorneys.

 Linke Mediation, Inc.              

 Post Office Box 64              

 Jupiter, Florida 33468


 [email protected]              


 Office: 561-301-5561              

 Fax:    561-746-6722


 Please call for office  locations.