1975, Washington; 1977, New Hampshire and U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire; 1976, U.S. District Court, Western District of Tennessee; 1994, Vermont
Law School
Gonzaga University, J.D., 1975
Law School Graduation Year
University of Illinois, B.S., 1971
Grafton County, Washington State, New Hampshire (Member: Legislative Committee, 1986-1987; Ethics Committee, 1984-1985; Pro Bono Governing Board, 1985—; Board of Governors, 1989-1993; Chairman, Administrative Law Committee, 1978-1981; Chairman, Delivery of Legal Service Committee, 1995-1996; Supreme Court Prof. Conduct Committee, 1995-1996; NHMCLE, 1996-1997; NH Judicial Council, 1996-1997; Vice President, 1995-1996; President-Elect, 1996-1997; President, 1997-1998) and American Bar Associations.
Recipient, Law Student Civil Rights Research Council Fellowship Grant, 1973. Member: School Board, City of Lebanon, 1981; Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, 1985-1986; Upper Valley United Way, 1983-1986.