1957, New Mexico, Colorado, U.S. District Court, Districts of Colorado and New Mexico and U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit; 1965, U.S. Tax Court; 1982, U.S. Supreme Court.
Law School
University of Colorado, J.D., 1957
Law School Graduation Year
University of Colorado, B.S., 1955
Colfax-Union County, Federal and American Bar Associations; State Bar of New Mexico (Member: Board of Bar Commissioners, 1970-1973; Supreme Court Rules Committee, 1973-1982; Board of State Bar Examiners, 1977-1986; Chairman, NM Civil Trial Practice Specialty Certification Committee, 1989-1999; Member, Professional Conduct Committee, 2001—); New Mexico Probate Revision Committee, 1972-1973
Assistant District Attorney, Eighth Judicial District, 1958-1959. Probate Judge, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1958-1962. Special Water Master, Pecos River State Court Readjudication, 1978-1989. Advisory Board, U.S. District Court Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, Chair, Procedures Committee, 1991-1995. Recipient: New Mexico State Bar Professionalism Award, 2002; New Mexico Distinguished Lawyer Award, 1986. Certified Instructor, American Institute of Banking. Listed in Best Lawyers in America. Master of the Bench, American Inns of Court. Member, U.S. District Court, Grievance and Admissions Committee, 1997-1999 . Fellow: American College of Trial Lawyers (State Chairman, 1989-1991); New Mexico Bar Foundation; U.S. Supreme Court Foundation.