Paul H. Schieber

Public Policy, Mediation
One Logan Square, 18th & Cherry Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191036998

Public Policy


1987, Pennsylvania; 1988, District of Columbia

Law School

Catholic University of America, J.D., 1987

Law School Graduation Year



Columbia University, B.A., 1976; Jewish Theological Seminary of America, B.H.L., 1976; State Univers


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Chairman, Consumer Law Committee, 1991—; Officer, Executive Council, Business Law Section, 1991—) and American Bar Associations; The District of Columbia Bar.


Author: Allregs State Law Compliance Modules, Federal Regulation of Second Mortgage Lending, 2ED. NSMA, 1995. Co-Author: The Lender's Guide to Consumer Compliance and Anti-Discrimination Laws, Probus Pub. Co., 1991. Co-Author: Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Lending, 1997; Compliance On-Line: Electronic Disclosures, Corporate, Banking and Business Law Newsletter, Summer, 1998; Mortgage Banking/Consumer Credit International Market Development, Equity, April, 1998.
