Philip L. Chapman

Brown Moskowitz & Kallen

Roseland, New Jersey 07068


Business, Civil, Commercial, Contract, Corporate, Employment, Franchise, Non Compete, Partnership Disputes, Real Estate, Shareholder Disputes

Phil Chapman brings to the mediation of business disputes experience from  a long career providing counselingNew Jerseyowners of small to medium-sized businesses, including family-owned businesses, helping them to craft relationships with others and counseling them with respect to business disputes, including disputes with business partners.

So much of effective counseling or mediating with respect to business disputes requires a broad and deep appreciation of business context, the problematics of litigation and mature judgment.   As a “primary care” business lawyer, Phil has developed the ability quickly to ask the questions that go to the heart of the matter and the emotions that drive the parties involved.  

Phil’s understanding of business context and how businesses operate enables him, as a mediator, to suggest forms of settlement that involve more than the payment of monies, such as a re-working of the relationship of the parties

Phil Chapman at a glance:

Graduated fromPrincetonUniversity  andHarvardLawSchool. Member of the New Jersey Bar. Of Counsel to Lum, Drasco & Positan, LLC, ofRoseland,New Jersey. Lecturer for New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education.

Your concerns need to be listened to. 

Phil Chapman concentrates in counseling New Jersey business owners of small to medium sized companies, including a business that is family owned.

Why is Phil Chapman such an effective business lawyer? Because so much of effective counseling involves judgment based on experience.

As a "Primary care lawyer" Phil Chapman provides a broad range of counsel for your business-including knowing when "to bring in experienced lawyers with specialized knowledge", including businesses that are family owned

Phil's experience in, and knowledge of,  New Jersey Law is abundant. This allows him to be effective as he takes a step back to examine complex business issues using a broader focus. By first examining a situation in its entirety, Phil can often come up with a simple business solution - sometimes even removing the need for legal remedy.

Philip L. Chapman

Brown Moskowitz & Kallen
Of Counsel

111 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 314
East Orange, NJ 07017

P: 973-202-9256
E: [email protected]

Articles and Publications by Philip L. Chapman
11/13/2013 9:23:37 PM