1975, Georgia; U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit; U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University, J.D., cum laude, 1975
Law School Graduation Year
Emory University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1971; Emory University, M.A., 1972
Macon and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Georgia; Georgia Defense Lawyers Association; Georgia Workers' Compensation Defense Attorneys Association; The Federal Bar Association.
Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Alpha Delta; Brainerd Currie Honor Society. Georgia Survey Editor, Mercer Law Review, 1974-1975. Co-Author: Workers' Compensation Procedure, Program Materials, Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, March 30, 1990; Effects of the 1990 Legislation of Georgia Workers Compensation Practice and Procedure, Georgia Defense Lawyers Association Journal, 1991; Advanced Workers' Compensation In Georgia, Program Materials, National Business Institute, Inc., 1991; Appeals to the Full Board, the Superior Court and the Appellate Courts, Program Materials 1993, Workers' Compensation Law Institute, Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia; Evidentiary Issues, 1999, Program Materials, Institute of Continuing Education in Georgia; Program Materials, 1999, Royal and Sun Alliance Annual Georgia Seminar; Program materials, 1999, Central Georgia Legal Assistants Annual Seminar.