Richard D. Carter

Insurance, Mediation
700 E Street S.E.
Washington, District of Columbia 20003



1980, District of Columbia; 1981, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; 1987, U.S. Supreme Court; 1990, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland; 1991, Virginia, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia and U.S. Court of Appeals, Fou

Law School

George Washington University, J.D., 1980

Law School Graduation Year



Pace University, B.A., cum laude, 1977


The District of Columbia Bar (Member, Sections on: Litigation; Health Law); American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Litigation; Torts and Insurance Practice); American Inns of Court, Thurgood Marshall Chapter; Defense Research Institute.


Adjunct Professor, Trial Advocacy, Georgetown University Law Center, 1982-2000. Recipient, Mayor's Distinguished Public Service Award, Washington D.C., 1993. Listed, Who's Who In American Law. Author: Too Experimental for Insurers-or Just Too Expensive? Healthspan, Vol. 9 No. 1, p.11, January, 1992; Chapter on Landlord & Tenant Law and Practice, D.C. Practice Manual, District of Columbia Bar, 1987, 1993; Fundamentals of Superior Court Practice, CLE,GULC/D.C. Bar, 1982-1989; Bridge The Gap program, CLE, GULC/D.C. Bar, 1985-1989; Landlord and Tenant Practice, D.C./GULC, 1986-1989. Panel Member: Health Care Reform, American Bar Association Annual Convention, N.Y., 1993; Medico-Legal Aspects of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Health Care Reform, Keystone Symposia, 1994; Women's Health Care & Insurance Coverage for Necessary Treatment, National Association of Women Judges, District Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1994; The Ten Commandments of Insurance Coverage; Bone Marrow Transplantation for Breast Cancer, The Next Step, Western Pennsylvania Hospital, 1994; Managed Care, Managed Competition and Physician Independence, Virginia Association of Hematologist and Oncologist Annual Meeting, 1994; Collision Course: Managed Competition and State of the Art Healthcare, Advances in Cancer Care: An Update For Hematopoietic Investigators and Educators, Boston, MA, 1995; Transplant Center Reimbursement Issues, National Marrow Donor Program Council, December, 1996; Recent Developments in the Law Affecting Business Organizations, Virginia State Bar Annual Meeting, Virginia Beach, VA, June 1997, 1998; When Health Care Coverage is Denied: Patient Rights and Public Policy, Virginia Bar Association Summer Meeting, The Greenbriar, July 1997; Nuts and Bolts of ERISA, Litigating HMO Cases, ATLA National College of Advocacy, Atlanta, GA, September 1997; Managed Care and Malpractice Liability, Fairfax Medical Society Meeting, October 1997; Life Insurance-No Longer Just a Death Benefit, Blood & Marr
