1963, Connecticut
Law School
University of Connecticut, LL.B., 1963
Law School Graduation Year
University of Pennsylvania, B.A., cum laude, 1959
Greater Bridgeport (Member, Committee on Federal Courts, 1974-1976; Chairman, Commercial Section, 1984-1996; President, 2000; Member, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, 2000—), Connecticut (Member, Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section, 1980—) and American (Member, Committee on Commercial Law & Bankruptcy, 1970-1976) Bar Associations.
Listed in Best Lawyers in America, Bankruptcy. Author, Bankruptcy Section of Matthew Bender Treatise on Divorce Workbook, 1984-1985. Lecturer: Bridgeport Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Program, 1970—; Connecticut Continuing Legal Education Program, 1980—; Commercial Law and Bankruptcy, BAR/BRI Bar Review Program, 1982-1984; Bankruptcy, Professional Seminars, Inc., 1986—. Adjunct Professor of Bankruptcy, University of Bridgeport School of Law, 1986-1987. Member, Bridgeport City Council, 1965-1973. Member: Committee for Revision of Local Bankruptcy Rules, 1997; Committee to Elect Bankruptcy Judicial Candidate, 1996.