Richard L. Gemma

Commercial, Mediation
Suite 400, 101 Dyer Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903



1988, Rhode Island; 1989, Massachusetts; U.S. District Court, District of Rhode Island; 2001, U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts and U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit

Law School

Boston College, J.D., cum laude, 1988

Law School Graduation Year



University of Keele, Staffordshire, England; St. Anselm College, B.A., magna cum laude, 1985


Rhode Island (Chairman, Committee on Creditors' and Debtors' Rights, 2002—; Superior Court Bench Bar Committee, 1999-2001) and Massachusetts Bar Associations.


Omicron Delta Epsilon; Order of the Coif. Editor, Boston College Law Review. Author: Casenote, Meritor v. Vinson: An Equitable Solution for Employer Liability in the Work Place, Boston College Law Review, Spring, 1988; Comment, Massachusetts' Three-Prong Obscenity Test, 1988 Annual Survey of Mass. Law; The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, Rhode Island Bar Journal, January, 1995; Rhode Island Superior Court Receiverships - Opportunities and Recent Developments, Rhode Island Bar Journal, March 2003. Presentation, Bankruptcy Reform Act's Impact Upon Banking, Shawmut Bank, New Bedford Institution of Savings, Providence, Rhode Island, February, 1995. Member: Rhode Island Lawyer Teacher Partnership Program, 1989-1992; Advisory Board to the Office of Economic Development, Cranston Industrial Development Commission, Cranston, Rhode Island, 1998—. Arbitrator, State of Rhode Island Superior Court Arbitration Program, 1999—.
