1978, Massachusetts and U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts and U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit
Law School
Boston College, J.D., 1978
Law School Graduation Year
St. Bonaventure University, B.A., cum laude, 1974
Boston, Massachusetts (Chair, 1994-1996, Council Member, 1992-1994, Member, Health Law Section) and American (Chair, 1994-1995, Chair-Elect, 1993-1994, Medicine and Law Committee, Tort and Insurance Practice Section) Bar Associations; American Health Lawyers Association (Member, 1986—; Board of Directors, 1996-1999).
Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General, 1978-1982 (Medical Fraud Control Unit). Author: Practice Guide, Fraud and Abuse Investigations Handbook for the Healthcare Industry, American Health Lawyers Association, 2000. Defending Physicians Before Boards of Registration of Medicine, Health Law Handbook (Alice Gosfield, ed., 1994, Clark, Boardman, Callaghan); Resisting Disclosure of Mental Health Records During Medicaid Investigations and Audits, Medical Staff Counselor, Fall, 1991; Techniques for Defending Health Care Fraud and Abuse Cases, Medical Staff Counselor, Spring, 1990; Collateral Sanctions for Criminal Convictions in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Medical Staff Counselor, Summer, 1990. Instructor: White Collar Criminal Cases, Long Term Care and the Law, American Health Lawyers Association, 1998; Preparing for Trial, Health Care Fraud and Abuse: Enforcement and Compliance, American Health Lawyers Association, 1997; Practice Issues, Health Care Fraud and Abuse, National Health Lawyers Association, 1996; Representing Health Care Providers charged with Fraud and Abuse, Massachusetts Bar Association, 1994; Liability Beyond Malpractice--Statutory and Regulatory Obligations of Physicians, American Bar Association, National Institute, 1994; Understanding Institutional Rights and Obligations in Fraud and Abuse Cases, Massachusetts Hospital Association, 1994; Medical Records, Massachusetts Bar Association, 1994; Defending Physicians Against Medicare and Medicaid Penalties and Other Collateral Sanctions, American Bar Association, National Institute, 1993; Nuts and Bolts of an Appellate Review Proceeding, National Health Lawyers Association, 1991; Defending Fraud and Abuse Cases, National Health Lawyers Association, 1989; Physician Sanctions, Understanding and Avoiding Penalties, National Health Lawyers Association, 1989. (Also Of Counsel to Gargiulo Rudnick, LLP, Boston, Massachusetts)