1971, Wisconsin; U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
University of Iowa, J.D., 1971
Law School Graduation Year
University of Northern Iowa, B.A., 1968
Milwaukee and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Wisconsin; Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel; International Association of Defense Counsel; International Association of Arson Investigators.
Pi Gamma Mu; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Delta Phi. Co-Author: Insurability of Punitive Damages, 62 Marquette Law Review 1 (1978). Associate Editor, Law of Damages in Wisconsin, 1989. Municipal Judge, Village of River Hills, 1990—. President, Wisconsin Arson Insurance Council, 1985-1986. President, Civil Trial Counsel of Wisconsin, 1990-1991. Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter. Member, Board of Directors, Milwaukee Chapter, CPCU Society.