1960, Ohio; 1970, U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
Harvard University, J.D., 1960
Law School Graduation Year
Xavier University, Sc.B., 1956; University of Cincinnati, A.M., 1957
Cincinnati (Chairman: Committee on Antitrust Law, 1968; Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Land Planning Law, 1973-1976), Ohio State and American (Chairman, Committee on Government Liability, 1972-1978; Member of Council, Urban, State and Local Government Law Section, 1976-1980, 1982-1986, 1988-1993; Chairman, Editorial Advisory Committee, The Urban Lawyer, 1986-1996) Bar Associations; American Judicature Society; American College of Real Estate Lawyers. Owners Counsel of America
Taft Teaching Fellow of Economics, University of Cincinnati, 1956-1957. Lecturer on Law: Salmon P. Chase College of Law, 1965-1971; University of Cincinnati, 1977-1980. Adjunct Professor of Law, 1980—. Author: The Effect of Aesthetic Considerations on the Validity of Zoning Ordinances, Monograph with Timothy A. Fischer, 1974; A Cincinnati Strategy for Environmental Quality Overlay Zones, 7 The Urban Lawyer 96, 1975; School Desegregation in the North: A Post-Milliken Strategy for Obtaining Metropolitan Relief, 20 St. Louis U.L.J. 585, 1976; The Next Thirty Years of Civil Rights Litigation, 13 The Urban Lawyer 541, 1981; Federalism and Management of the Environment, 19 The Urban Lawyer 661, 1987. Chairman, Cincinnati Environmental Advisory Council, 1975-1976. Fellow, American Bar Foundation.