1981, Florida; 1988, Rhode Island; 1994, Tennessee
Law School
Vanderbilt University, J.D., 1981
Law School Graduation Year
Furman University, B.A., summa cum laude, 1978
Nashville (Member, Environmental Law Committee), Tennessee (Member, Environmental Law Section), Rhode Island and American (Member, Sections on: Environment, Energy and Resources Law; Real Property, Probate and Trust Law; Business Law) Bar Associations; The Florida Bar (Member, Environmental and Land Use Law Section); Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry; ASTM (Committee E-50).
Order of the Coif; Phi Beta Kappa. Elliott E. Cheatham Scholar. Articles Editor, Vanderbilt Law Review, 1980-1981. Co-Author: Birth of a New Lender Liability Theory? Aiding and Abetting a Borrower's Violation of Environmental Laws, BNA Toxics Law Reporter, Vol. 6, p. 950, Jan. 8, 1992; The Year in Review 2001 and The Year in Review 2000, portions of the Annual Report of the Environmental Transactions, Audits and Brownfields Committee, ABA Section on Environment, Energy and Resources Law. Author: Tennessee Superfund Liability, ELI State News & Analysis, June 2000; Site Cleanup Programs in Tennessee, ELI State News & Analysis, January 2000; The Clean Air Act Amendments: Accidental Release Provisions Will Affect Many Companies, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, Feb. 25, 1991; Hazardous Waste Laws--Penalties Can be Severe, New England Real Estate Journal, Sept. 21, 1990; Federal Delegation of Environmental Protection Enforcement Authority Affecting Land Use and Development, ABA Probate and Property, Vol. II, No. 3 (Fall 1982). Seminar Speaker: State.Association of Environmental Managers, 1989-1992; Executive Enterprises Courses on Environmental Regulation, 1993-2001; Tennessee Bar Association, 2003. (Also at Memphis Office)