Law School
University of Kentucky, J.D., 1980
Law School Graduation Year
Murray State University, B.S., in Economics, 1978
Kentucky and American Bar Associations; Kentucky Defense Counsel; Defense Research and Trial Lawyers Association.
Member: International Moot Court; Kentucky Law Journal, 1979-1980. Author: Placing the Horse Before the Cart: Another Proposal for Appellate Reform, Vol. 42, Kentucky Bench & Bar, 1980; The Obscenity Defense to Copyright Revisited, Vol. 62, Kentucky Law Journal, 1980-1981; Kentucky Civil Practice Alter Trial, Chap. 8, 1990. Co-Author: Torts Survey, Vol. 69, Kentucky Law Journal, 1980-1981; Torts Survey, Vol. 86, Kentucky Law Journal, 1997-1998. Former Adjunct Professor, University of Kentucky College of Law. (Resident at Lexington)