S. H. Gregory Overstreet

Government, Mediation
111 Market Street, Suite 200
Olympia, Washington 98501



1993, Missouri; 1994, Illinois; 1997, Washington; 2000, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

Washington University School of Law, visiting student, 1993; Seattle University School of Law, J.D., 1993

Law School Graduation Year



University of Washington, B.A., 1989


Washington State Bar Association.


Editor, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 1991-1992. Author: Re-empowering the Native American: A Conservative Proposal to Restore Tribal Sovereignty and Self-Reliance to Federal Indian Policy, 14 Hamline Journal of Public Law & Policy 1 (1993); The Ripeness Doctrine of the Taking Clause: A Survey of Decisions Showing Just How Far Federal Courts Will Go To Avoid Adjudicating Land Use Cases, 10 Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law 1 (1994). Co-Author, The Quest for the Best Test to Vest: Washington's Vested Rights Doctrine Beats the Rest, 27 Seattle University Law Review 1043 (2000).
