Scott L. Summers

Medical Malpractice, Mediation
812 Quarrier Street, Suite 600, P.O. Box 2833
Charleston, West Virginia 253302833

Medical Malpractice


1995, West Virginia and U.S. District Court, Southern District of West Virginia

Law School

West Virginia University, J.D., 1995

Law School Graduation Year



West Virginia State College, B.A., summa cum laude, 1992


Kanawha County, West Virginia and American Bar Associations; West Virginia State Bar; Defense Research Institute; Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia.


Co-Author: How to Draft Wills and Trusts in West Virginia, NBI, Inc., 1996; Effective Estate Planning for the Small Estate in West Virginia, NBI Inc., 1998; The Probate Process from Start to Finish in West Virginia, NBI, Inc., 2000. Associate, 1995-1997 and Partner, 1998-2000, Payne, Loeb & Ray.


U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, 1983-1989