Stephen E. Silver

Child Custody, Mediation
4800 North Scottsdale Road, Sixth Floor
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Child Custody


1967, Arizona; 1968, Washington; 1971, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

University of Arizona, J.D., 1967

Law School Graduation Year



Arizona State University, B.S., with highest distinction, 1964


Maricopa County and American (Member, Sections on: Taxation; Criminal Justice) Bar Associations; State Bar of Arizona (Chairman, Tax Section, 1989).


Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Alpha Delta. Author: Civil Tax Fraud for Failure to File a Return, 13 Arizona Law Review 299, 1971; How to Resolve a Tax Controversy Procedurally, 7 Arizona Bar Journal 4, 1971; Previously ‘Safe’ Corporations Face Danger of Accumulated Earning Tax, 9 Taxation for Accountants 260, 1972; Terminating the Taxpayer's Taxable Year: How IRS uses it against Narcotics Suspects, 40 Journal of Taxation 110, 1974; Use of Motion to Surpress Wiretap Evidence in Recent Tax Case, 40 Journal of Taxation 55, 1974; Courts are Upholding Attorney-Client Privilege in Anonymous Payment Situation, 43 Journal of Taxation 358, 1975; Jeopardy and Termination Assessments, Hearing before Subcommittee on Administration of Internal Revenue Code of Senate Committee on Finance, 94th Congress, 1st Session, November, 1975; IRS Use of Wiretap Evidence in Civil Tax Proceedings in Doubt Despite Recent Case, 56 Journal of Taxation 300, 1982; IRS Sting Tactics Under Attack in Courts, Taxes, September, 1982. IRS Likely to Increase Use of Money Laundering and Related Statutes, 73 Journal of Taxation 5; The Federalization of Arizona's Criminal Income Tax Statutes, The Arizona Attorney, 1995; The ‘Tax Crime Exception to Taking the Fifth Does not Exist, Journal of Taxation, April, 1997. Trial Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, Seattle, Washington, 1967-1971. Arizona Lawyer Representative, Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, 1983-1985. Judge Pro Tem, Superior Court, State of Arizona, Maricopa County, 1987. Lawyer Representative, U.S. Tax Court Judicial Conference, 1983-1986, 1992. (Certified Specialist, Tax Law, Arizona Board of Legal Specialization).
