1979, Idaho, U.S. District Court, District of Idaho
Law School
University of Idaho, J.D., 1979
Law School Graduation Year
Colorado State University, B.A., 1973
Idaho State Bar (Member, Litigation Section); Idaho Trial Lawyers Association.
Phi Alpha Theta. Recipient: Victim Services Award for Public Policy Leadership, 1994; MADD Certificate of Special Appreciation. Comments Editor, Idaho Law Review, 1978-1979. Author, Peculiar Risk: Going or Coming, Vol. 14 N.3, P. 739, Idaho Law Review. Nez Perce County Prosecuting Attorney, 1983-1990. Member: Governor's Children at Risk Task Force, 1988-1994; Idaho Commission on Children and Youth, 1988-1990. Member, 1987-1989, Chairman, 1989, Idaho Peace Officers Standards and Training Council. Division Chief, Legislative and Public Affairs, Idaho Attorney General's Office, 1991-1995. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, 1980-1982, Prosecuting Attorney, 1983-1990, Nez Perce County. Member, 1980-1994, President, 1989, Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association.