Steven T. Miano

Environmental, Mediation
1650 Arch Street, 22nd Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191032097



1985, Pennsylvania; 1986, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania; 1990, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit

Law School

Franklin Pierce Law Center, J.D., 1985

Law School Graduation Year



George Washington University, B.S., Environmental Studies, 1982


Philadelphia (Member, 1988— and Secretary, 1996, Environmental Law Committee), Pennsylvania (Member, Natural Resources Section) and American (Member, Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section; Contributing Editor, Trends, ABA Section Publication, 1997—; Co-Chair, Water Quality and Wetlands Committee, 2001-2003) Bar Associations.


Instructor, Philadelphia Institute for Legal Studies, 1992-1995. Adjunct Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School, Camden, 1999—. Judicial Intern to the Hon. Martin F. Loughlin, U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire. Assistant Regional Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region, III, Hazardous Waste Branch, 1985-1988. Board Member, Support Center for Child Advocates, 1998—.
