T. Lynn Walden

Civil, Mediation
2615 Calder, Suite 500, P.O. Box 26008
Beaumont, Texas 777206008



1991, Texas and U.S. District Court, Eastern, Southern and Northern Districts of Texas

Law School

Baylor University, J.D., 1990

Law School Graduation Year



Texas Tech University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1988


Jefferson County and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas; Texas Association of Defense Counsel.


Golden Key; Order of the Barristers. Recipient, Moot Court Competition Best First Year Brief. Member, Best First Year Team. Author and Lecturer: Reinstate or Terminate, Council on Education in Management, Personnel Law Update Seminar Education in Management, Worker's Compensation Update Seminar 1995, April 1995. Co-Author: Liability of Allied Health Professionals, Advanced Medical Malpractice Course Pharmaceutical and Device Litigation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1994; Checklist of Recent Developments in Texas Worker's Compensation, Council on Education in Management, Worker's Compensation Update Seminar 1994, October 1994. Editor, Medical Malpractice Newsletter, Texas Association of Defense Counsel, 1995-2003. (Board Certified, Personal Injury Trial Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization)
