Tracy M. Schmidt


Certified Family and Circuit Mediator
Land O Lakes, Florida 34638


Alimony, Asset Distribution, Business, Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Collaborative Divorce, Commercial, Co-Parenting, Divorce, Divorce Modification and Enforcement, Elder, Employment, Family, LGTBQ, Partnership Disputes, Pet Mediation, Workplace


Ms. Schmidt’s private practice is dedicated exclusively to mediation, with an office in New Port Richey and serving all of Florida.  She is a Florida Supreme Court Mediator since 2003, and is certified in all disciplines, including:

  • •Circuit Civil
  • •Family
  • •County
  • •Dependency
  • •Appellate

Ms. Schmidt serves on the Sixth Circuit panel of mediators for Circuit, Family and Dependency and the United States Postal Service REDRESS panel, and is experienced in a wide range of:

  • •Family issues: Divorce, Custody, and Support
  • •Elder issues / Shared Family decision making
  • •Business disputes
  • •Healthcare claims
  • •Real Estate matters


           •Active with the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in advancing elder mediation in Florida Circuit Courts.
           •Experience with special populations including individuals who are indigent, have unique needs, who are disabled and/or elderly
           •Florida Bar attorney (1993) with extensive experience in indigent and elder health insurance with previous service on the Board of
            Directors for the Florida Council on Aging ( and the Family Café ( serving individuals with disabilities.
           •Currently serving the Florida Bar: Legal Needs of Children Committee (July 2019).
           •Health insurance professional with ~26 years of Florida Managed Care experience in various senior leadership positions responsible for
           •regulatory, operations and sales & marketing.  


Elder Caring Coordinator (2019- present)
United States District Court- Southern and Middle Districts (2019- present)
Dependency Mediator, Supreme Court Florida (2018- present)
Appellate Mediator, Supreme Court of Florida (2017- present)
Sixth Circuit Panel Mediator: Family and Dependency (2014- present)
Family Mediator, Supreme Court of Florida (2013- present)
United States Postal Service REDRESS Mediator (2007- present)
Circuit Civil Mediator, Supreme Court of Florida (2003- present)
Qualified Arbitrator (2003)
Florida Health Insurance License (2012- present)
Florida Licensed Private Investigator (2006-present)


University of Miami School of Law, Florida (1993), Iron Arrow (1993)
Alvernia College, Pennsylvania- Cum Laude (1990), Bachelor of Arts, Administration of Criminal Justice

7212 U. S. Highway 19
New Port Richey, FL 34652

P: 813-996-5297
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]