1958, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; 1965, U.S. Supreme Court; 1975, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire and U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts
Law School
Boston College, J.D., 1958
Law School Graduation Year
University of New Hampshire and Bryant College, B.S., 1952
Manchester (Member, Executive Board, 1975), New Hampshire and American (Member, Sections on: Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law; General Practice; Criminal Justice) Bar Associations.
Member, Manchester School Board, 1962-1966: Member, Committee on Instruction and Curriculum, 1963 and Joint School Board and Alderman Committee, 1965; Chairman, Site Committee, 1965. Interim Trustee, U.S. Bankruptcy Interim Trustee Panel, 1980. Past Member, The Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 1978-1998.