W. Michael Clifford

Probate, Mediation
301 East Pine Street, Suite 1400, P.O. Box 3068
Orlando, Florida 328023068



1976, Florida

Law School

University of Florida, J.D., with honors, 1976; University of Florida, LL.M., Taxation, 1985

Law School Graduation Year



Florida State University, B.A., magna cum laude, with honors, 1973



Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Delta Phi. Planned Giving Consultant, East Central Florida Public Broadcasting Company (Channel 24), 1983—. Chairman, Channel 24 Public Broadcasting Endowment Committee, 1988—. Member, 1990-1993 and Chairman, 1993, Community Advisory Board and Member, Board of Trustees, Channel 24 WMFE-TV/FM, 1993. Speaker, Second Annual Tax Conference, University of Central Florida, 1986 and Tenth Annual Accounting Conference, University of Central Florida, 1991. Member, Board of Trustees, City of Winter Park Firefighter's Pension Fund, 1986-1990 and 1992—. Chairman, 1988-1990. Member, Executive Committee of Central Florida Estate Planning Council, 1989-1997. President, Central Florida Estate Planning Council, 1996. Member, University of Central Florida Planned Giving Professional Advisory Board, 1997—. Member, Attorney Advisory Panel for the Community Foundation of Central Florida, Inc., 1997—. Member, Sections on: Tax and Real Property; Probate and Trust, American Bar Association. (Board Certified Tax Lawyer, Florida Bar Board of Legal Specialization and Education)
