Law School
Woodrow Wilson College of Law, J.D., 1982
Law School Graduation Year
Ohio State University, B.A., 1969; University of Iowa, M.A., 1972
State Bar of Georgia (Chairman, Computer Law Section, 1992-1993); Federal Communications Bar Association (Co-Chair, Atlanta Chapter, 1996-2001); American Bar Association (Co-Chair, Communications Law Division; Section of Science and Technology).
Publications: TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND THE LAW, Computer Science Press, Inc. (1988); Regulation of Enhanced Services (Co-Author), Computer Lawyer (January 1992); Negotiating Custom Service Agreements with Telecommunications Carriers ABA's Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana (August 1994); Telecommunications Reform Legislation in Georgia (Co-Author), Georgia Bar Journal (October 1996); Negotiation and State Public Service Commission Review of Interconnection Agreements Presentation at ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California (August 1997); State Regulation of Telecommunications Mergers and Acquisitions (Co-Author), The M&A Lawyer, Glasser Legal Works (May 1998); TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAW, REGULATION, AND POLICY (Co-Editor), Ablex Publishing Corporation (1998); Negotiating Interconnection Agreements Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CCH Power & Telecom Law (January/February 1999); High Wire Acts: Negotiating Pole Attachment Agreements Under the 1996 Telecom Act'' (Co-Author), CCH Power and Telecom Law (July/August 1999); Telecom travesty - What a bankruptcy can mean for customers, (Co-Author), Business Law Today (September/October 2002). For other publications, visit Co-Chair, Practising Law Institute's Telecom Deals Seminar (1999-2001). Co-Chair, Law Seminars International's Negotiating Telecommunications Deals Conference (2001-2003). Adjunct Faculty Member, Georgia Institute of Technology. Named in International Who's Who of Telecoms Lawyers, Law Business Research (1999-2003).