Showing Articles 1 through 10 of 13
Norwalk Headed to Mediation for Wall Street Place Project
12/5/2018 2:50:42 PM
The Wall Street Place redevelopment project will be negotiated in an upcoming mediation session between Citibank, the city of Norwalk, and the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency.
Citibank owns the former Isaacs Street municipal lot that
Food Pantry Dispute Could Be Settled through Mediation
9/16/2017 2:30:22 PM
The dispute concerning the operation of the Center Harbor Food Pantry could be resolved through mediation, according to attorneys on both sides of the dispute. The state filed an injunction to protect the pantry’s assets after they
Loop Project Lawsuit Headed to Mediation
4/29/2016 10:31:58 AM
The City of Walterboro began its first court-ordered mediation session with Camilla Hughes Hiers to determine if a settlement was due in the lawsuit regarding Hiers’ business, Diary Land. At the moment the specific details of the mediation
Equitable Distribution in Virginia…Step #1…What’s “Marital” Property?
4/14/2014 10:46:20 AM
In a prior post (Financial Documents to Collect…), we provided a pretty complete list of the kinds of documents you will want to collect prior to meeting with counsel or prior to your first mediation session. This should give you a great view
3/17/2014 12:24:11 PM
Written by Barbara Kellman
First Published by PCFINE CONNECTION
VOL. 3, NO. 1 SPRING 2014
Psychoanalytic Couples & Family Institute of New
Kindness and Divorce
4/28/2013 2:19:01 PM
On first glance, many people might reflect that the two words kindness and divorce do not belong together. As a mediator of family matters for a number of years I have seen the behavior emanating as a result of “kindness” to be
New Jersey Has Chosen Administrator of its Mediation Program Following Hurricane Sandy
4/2/2013 2:31:25 PM
After the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey is among other states on the East Coast that have been focusing on mediation as a way to resolve the overwhelming number of claims that have poured in since the disaster struck. In
The Mediator as Facilitator of Solution
3/12/2013 8:56:10 AM
Jerome Allan Landau
Participants in a commercial mediation often realize that it is in their financial self-interest to continue business relations in spite of their dispute. They choose
DUI or Criminal Charge? You Might Be Able to Avoid Court
11/6/2012 12:04:15 PM
If you have been issued a DUI citation or accused of criminal misconduct, you might be able to avoid going to court and standing trial by participating in mediation. This is especially true if it is your first offense. Many
New Expansion of Internet Domains Requires Trademark Owners to Take Immediate Action
8/9/2012 1:56:43 PM
On June 13, 2012, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which oversees Internet operations and policy, revealed the identity of the over 1900 new top-level domain applications that have been filed under its new Internet